An Update On HB2004
The much debated HB2004 is in the headlines again. Since the bill has passed out of the Senate Human Services and Housing committee with some amendments and has now gone to the Senate Rules committee it will be some time before we know more. For now the bill seems to be stalled in the Senate Rules Committee, and even if it passes the Senate will now need to go back to the House. The bill is fraught with danger for landlords and especially for tenants, and I believe the Senate knows this and stalling for time. With only 3 weeks left in the regular legislative session and still no budget the chances are not good that the bill will become law. We all thought that Governor Brown would have run out of ink with the multitude of bills that have been passed this year, so we still need to keep up the pressure. Call your legislators and let them know you oppose the bill.
Happy Landlording,
James (Ed) Waggoner